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A Sample Entrance Meditation™ Reading:

Muddy/Clear: The Mirror of the Water

From The Well and the Cathedral: An Entrance Meditation Reading,

by Ira Progoff, Ph.D.

We are sitting

In a place of quietness

Letting the Self become still,

Letting the breath become slow,

Letting our thoughts come to rest.

Letting the Self become still,

Energies that were moving about

Can go inward now,

Can come to rest

In the stillness

Of our quiet being.

Breathing becomes quiet now,

Not breathing

By the tempo of outer things

But by an inner tempo

Breathing at an inner pace,

The breath moving in

And out

Of itself,

Carried by its own rhythm

Adjusting itself

To itself.

Breathing at an inner pace,

Our thoughts let go

Of our breathing.

Breathing at an inner pace,

The breath is free

To come and go

In its own timing.

The breath is slow

And regular,

Moving in and out

By its inner tempo,

Carried by its own rhythm,

Adjusting itself

To itself.

Breathing at an inner pace

Thoughts become quiet,

Restless thoughts

That have been moving about,

Restless thoughts

Dissipating their energies together

Into one place


On the steady breathing.

Excess thoughts drop away.

We become still.

Thinking becomes quiet,

Thoughts fitting together

And settling into one place

By themselves

Without our thinking them.

Many mixed thoughts

Become one whole thought

Contained within itself,

One whole thought

In the mind at rest.

Letting the Self become still,

Letting our thoughts come to rest,

Letting our breath become slow.

Breathing becomes quiet,

Breathing becomes slow,

And slower;

Breathing becomes regular,


The unevenness

Of nonessential thoughts

Drops out of the breathing.

It becomes

The breathing of the Self.

Breathing at an inner pace,

The breath moves

At the center of my Self,

At the center of my Self

In regular rhythms.

My body is quiet,

Holding its place.

The breath is moving evenly,




In its own rhythm.

The breath moves evenly

At the center of my body,

At the center of my Self.

The breath is moving

At the center of my Self

In a regular rhythm.

The breath moves at the center.

The breath moves at the center

Breathing at an inner pace.

As the breath moves at the center,



The Self becomes still

Like quiet water.

The Self becomes still

Like quiet water.

In the stillness of the Self,

In the quiet of the water

My inward ear hears,

My inward eye sees

Signs and words and visions

Reflected in the quiet waters

In the stillness of the Self,

In the Silence... In the Silence.